21 In Twenty-One Devotional
Day Eleven
Prayer Focus: Servanthood
Matthew 5:16 (GNT) Your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in Heaven.
Colossians 3:23 (GNT) Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for men. 24) Remember that the Lord will give you as a reward what He has kept for His people. For Christ is the real Master you serve.
Psalm 31:19 (GNT) How wonderful are the good things You keep for those who honor You! Everyone knows how good You are, how securely You protect those who trust You.
Other Verses:
Matthew 25:40 (GNT) The King will reply, “I tell you, whenever you did this for one of the least important of these brothers of Mine, you did it for Me!”
1 John 3:18 (GNT) My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action.
“We live to give.” We see these words boldly displayed in our lobby each Sunday. We hear Pastor Alex say them frequently. They plaster our online content. But do we live them out? That’s what Day 11 in our 21 in Twenty-One Devotional is all about: Living to give through our servanthood to God and His wonderful creation, His people.
There’s this line in the song “Hosanna” that I pray over my life constantly. It goes like this:
Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am for Your Kingdom’s cause
As I walk from Earth into Eternity
Those lyrics just get in my bones! They fire me up! They remind me to have a heart of compassion and grace and patience for people- people that God adores (even if they are not like me or I don’t understand their situation). They compel me to serve others because I know that each act of service to people is an act of worship to God! It’s pretty simple. God calls us to 1) love Him and 2) love others! And by showing love to others, we are loving Him. Isn’t that cool?! That’s my why!
Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Servanthood” sounds like work. Well, it is work. But it is worthy work, and at the heart of it, it’s worship. I think back to the “All In” series. I remember saying that being “all in” is doing whatever it takes- the good, the bad, and the ugly. Sometimes service is fun and beautiful and appreciated and celebrated. Other times, service is just not- not pretty, not comfortable, not applauded. In fact, sometimes it’s scrubbing toilets. Literally, scrubbing toilets. That’s the thing though, as Christians, our reward is not here on Earth. Colossians 3:24 reminds me that there is a reward for choosing to live as a child and a servant of Christ. Heaven itself and my beautiful Savior are waiting on me! And now I’m misty-eyed…
Do you remember that old joke about the guy in a flood who prays for God to save him? Three people come by to help, but the man keeps saying, “I’m good. God will rescue me.” Long story short, the man drowns and goes to Heaven where he says to God, “I called out to You. Why didn’t You rescue me?” And God says, “I sent three people in boats to rescue you.” Y’all, I wanna be a girl in a boat! I want to hear God’s voice leading me to the people I’m needed to serve. But it doesn’t stop at hearing God’s voice- I want to actually go where He leads. Because that’s how people encounter Jesus- through us! I love Matthew 5:16. It reads, “Your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in Heaven.” When we shine, God sparkles! And this world sooo needs some sparkle! Let’s get out there and shine for Jesus!
Prayer: God, please break my heart for what breaks Yours. Lead me to the people I need to serve and shine for. Help me remember that it’s not about me. It’s all about You. May my every thought, word, and action serve and honor You. I love You. Thank You for loving me back. Amen.
Don’t Stop There! So, how do you shine for Jesus? Look at the world around you. What breaks your heart? What do you know breaks your Father’s heart? When you see that need, claim it! It may be feeding the hungry, mentoring youth, helping people put the pieces back together after tragedies, teaching a course, the list goes on and on. Once you claim it, attack it! Put some skin in the game. Talk with God about it, make a plan, and then truly go do it!
Love you guys,
Sarah Page
Colossians 3:23 (GNT) Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for men. 24) Remember that the Lord will give you as a reward what He has kept for His people. For Christ is the real Master you serve.
Psalm 31:19 (GNT) How wonderful are the good things You keep for those who honor You! Everyone knows how good You are, how securely You protect those who trust You.
Other Verses:
Matthew 25:40 (GNT) The King will reply, “I tell you, whenever you did this for one of the least important of these brothers of Mine, you did it for Me!”
1 John 3:18 (GNT) My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action.
“We live to give.” We see these words boldly displayed in our lobby each Sunday. We hear Pastor Alex say them frequently. They plaster our online content. But do we live them out? That’s what Day 11 in our 21 in Twenty-One Devotional is all about: Living to give through our servanthood to God and His wonderful creation, His people.
There’s this line in the song “Hosanna” that I pray over my life constantly. It goes like this:
Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am for Your Kingdom’s cause
As I walk from Earth into Eternity
Those lyrics just get in my bones! They fire me up! They remind me to have a heart of compassion and grace and patience for people- people that God adores (even if they are not like me or I don’t understand their situation). They compel me to serve others because I know that each act of service to people is an act of worship to God! It’s pretty simple. God calls us to 1) love Him and 2) love others! And by showing love to others, we are loving Him. Isn’t that cool?! That’s my why!
Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Servanthood” sounds like work. Well, it is work. But it is worthy work, and at the heart of it, it’s worship. I think back to the “All In” series. I remember saying that being “all in” is doing whatever it takes- the good, the bad, and the ugly. Sometimes service is fun and beautiful and appreciated and celebrated. Other times, service is just not- not pretty, not comfortable, not applauded. In fact, sometimes it’s scrubbing toilets. Literally, scrubbing toilets. That’s the thing though, as Christians, our reward is not here on Earth. Colossians 3:24 reminds me that there is a reward for choosing to live as a child and a servant of Christ. Heaven itself and my beautiful Savior are waiting on me! And now I’m misty-eyed…
Do you remember that old joke about the guy in a flood who prays for God to save him? Three people come by to help, but the man keeps saying, “I’m good. God will rescue me.” Long story short, the man drowns and goes to Heaven where he says to God, “I called out to You. Why didn’t You rescue me?” And God says, “I sent three people in boats to rescue you.” Y’all, I wanna be a girl in a boat! I want to hear God’s voice leading me to the people I’m needed to serve. But it doesn’t stop at hearing God’s voice- I want to actually go where He leads. Because that’s how people encounter Jesus- through us! I love Matthew 5:16. It reads, “Your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in Heaven.” When we shine, God sparkles! And this world sooo needs some sparkle! Let’s get out there and shine for Jesus!
Prayer: God, please break my heart for what breaks Yours. Lead me to the people I need to serve and shine for. Help me remember that it’s not about me. It’s all about You. May my every thought, word, and action serve and honor You. I love You. Thank You for loving me back. Amen.
Don’t Stop There! So, how do you shine for Jesus? Look at the world around you. What breaks your heart? What do you know breaks your Father’s heart? When you see that need, claim it! It may be feeding the hungry, mentoring youth, helping people put the pieces back together after tragedies, teaching a course, the list goes on and on. Once you claim it, attack it! Put some skin in the game. Talk with God about it, make a plan, and then truly go do it!
Love you guys,
Sarah Page
21 in Twenty-One Devotional21 in Twenty-One Devotional21 In Twenty-One Devotional21 In Twenty-One Devotional21 In Twenty-One Devotional21 In Twenty-One Devotional21 In Twenty-One Devotional21 In Twenty-One Devotional21 In Twenty-One Devotional21 In Twenty-One Devotional21 In Twenty-One Devotional21 in Twenty-One Devotional21 In Twenty-One Devotional21 In Twenty-One Devotional21 In Twenty-One Devotional
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