Overflow Church Ministry Champions

It was such a pleasure hosting the “We Got Next” Vision Night with all of you a few weeks ago! While trouncing Alisha in the basketball game was undoubtedly a dream come true (and an answered prayer of desperation), the night as a whole was incredible. We’ve been working on this project and gathering this information for months now, and even despite my sweat-drenched shirt, it was great finally being able to share all of it with you! I predict the next few months (and even years) will prove to be some of the best in the history of our church.

We SOOO appreciated all of your feedback concerning the spiritually defining moments and the questions we had you answer in your groups. I never get tired of hearing stories like Michelle’s and Josh’s about how God has used the ministry of our church to impact lives. Also, we have catalogued each of your answers to the questions we gave you in order to help us as we move forward in this project and the “We Got Next” initiative in general. We’ve included some of our favorite answers to each of those questions below! Be sure to check them out!

Again, we’re honored to do church, ministry and life with all of you! Thank you for your consistent “yes” to what God’s doing in your family and community. YOU make what we do worth it. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Question 1:
Even if we weren’t in the midst of a building project, what might God want to accomplish within His people at Overflow through a generosity initiative like this?

Community Outreach
Disaster relief
Fostering program
Counseling center
Financial coaching
Debt-free church
More staff support

Question 2:
If Overflow’s reputation within our community was “the generous church,” what would that mean? What would it require?

Stewarding what we have
A voice for minorities/losing stereotypes
Helping/partnering with other churches
Being more generous as individuals
Maintenance/temporary housing team
More volunteers
Abundant giving or finances, time & effort

Question 3:
The 1st phase of our building is primarily focused on kids’ ministry. Why is this decision a wise move for us as givers?

Kid-O’s are our future
Ensured safety for kids in the future
More enjoyable/motivating for contributors
Source of revenue for community
Biblically called to take care of children
We don’t believe in a “junior Holy Spirit”
Jesus love children

Alex Gallien
Lead Pastor
Overflow Church